Sunday, August 16, 2009

Random Things and Questions

Hey guys!
How is everyone doing? Well like you can answer me.. Anyway, I kind of like this blogging thing. I can say so much more through here than I can using Twitter. So I will probably post more blogs then I originally planned. Okay there were a few typos in the last blog, going to try not to do that this time. I was extremely tired when I posted the first one so it was kind of loopy, sorry. Haha. I got a few comments on me calling black a bright color. Funny. I wasn't trying to call it a bright color, I was trying to say its one of my fave colors. Oh well. Back to the point, I have a little time off right now so I will probably write a blog every few days or so, maybe more. Um, as you can tell I jump around a lot from topic to topic and then come back to the first topic.. Sorry about that, I'm mostly a random person so I say a lot of really random things. Plus I'm VERY easily distracted. But I promise I'm not a loony person. Well maybe just a tad...

Anyway I don't really know what to talk about right now.. I'm in pain. Funny story I guess. I got drunk and went overboard on the wii. Oh, I'm in no way condoning drinking or whatever.. If you're legal age, have fun and be safe with it. If you are not legal age, don't drink! Don't drink and drive either! "Don't drink and drive, drink and ride." Or get like me and just play wii and rockband all night. Except don't go overboard and be in pain for days playing boxing, haha. Okay I sound like my mom so I'll stop lecturing, just be safe. I know what it's like to be young and rebellious, just BE SAFE! Focus Britt! Okay anyway, I'm just going to answer questions, I might get my self into trouble talking about this. Lol.

I saw that you're a Cowboys fan, what other sports teams do you like? YES! Big big big Cowboys fan! I also like the Florida Gators, obviously, being that I'm from Florida and all. Also the Lakers are great, and the New York Yankees. Other than baseball, basketball, and football I don't really understand other sports, haha.

Is it nice to act? Do you have any advice for aspiring actors or actresses? I love to act, it's very much fun! There's really not advice to give I guess. Just if you want to be an actor/actress take as many classes as you can, go to every audition you hear of, memorize all the things they give you, try your hardest, and NEVER give up. You may go to hundreds of auditions and not get them, but sometimes it has nothing to do with your talent, sometimes you're just not right for that part. The industry is definitely trial and error pretty much. Just keep going back in there when they turn you down.

Do I know who put the note on my car? I have no clue who put the note on my car.. It could have been anyone I guess. Kinda creepy though.

What tattoo did you get? Do you have a pic of it? Did it hurt? Do you want any more tattoos? I got a heart kind of by my hip bone. I do not have a pic of it, I'm sorry. I probably won't take a picture of it either, it's kind of in a personal spot. Yes, it hurt a little, hurts more afterwards then while you're actually getting it in my opinion. Um, I don't think I want any more. Actually I have an idea for another one, but at the moment, no I won't be getting any more. I guess it's kind of a spur of the moment thing.

Why is a banana yellow? Thanks.. I love Miley's questions that she knows I can't answer. Haha. I guess they are yellow because no one would eat it if it was black? It's yellow because I said so Miley, geez! Lmao.

What do you like to do in your free time? I like to spend time with my family and friends. Also like to go bowling and do photography, or hang out and watch movies.

Why does it snow at 32 degrees? Um because it's cold!!! Lol. I don't really know any other answer for that one, sorry.

Hairspray sequel? Dish it! Okay, well there will be a hairspray 2. The script isn't finished yet, they had a finished script which is why posers say they are already filming it. However the script was a mess and led to places that the director didn't see the characters going. So he's rewriting it and when he's through I guess we will all have a casting meeting. I would love to tell you guys that the full cast will be back again, but I can't decide that and the full cast may not return. I would love to do a sequel, however I haven't been approached for a role in it yet.. So fingers crossed the whole cast returns with a few extras! :D

@KaptanKocRanger says: Do guys want a rich girl or girls that can cook and give head? <--- INAPPROPRIATE! And why are you asking me, I'm not a guy! If I knew what guys wanted I wouldn't be so confused all the time!

Is it fun to work on scary movies like Prom Night? Yes, it was a lot of fun, but I enjoy working on any kind of movie.

Were there any roles you turned down and then regretted after seeing the film? That's a good question! I normally only turn down a role when I'm really really busy and just simply don't have time to film it. For instance if I'm filming a movie already and I get approached for a new one filming in the same time frame, I might turn it down because I'm already filming or something. So the after going off topic, the answer to your question is yes, sometimes I do regret it but there's really nothing I can do about it and there are plenty more roles out there.

What is the most embarrassing you have ever done while with your significant other? Wow, do you know who you're talking to?! I do embarrassing things daily, more than daily, like hourly. I think he would probably say I trip a lot or I spill things. I'm pretty clumsy.. So I break things, drop things, trip A LOT, and run into walls and doors occasionally... So the real question I guess would be when do I not do embarrassing things. But the MOST embarrassing was the day I met him.. I spilled my drink all over my white dress when I bumped into something and I actually cried about it.. Pretty lame, huh?

Okay, I love this one.. ready? @JRuss730 says: If a chicken and a half lays an egg and a half.... How long will it take a grasshopper with a wooden leg to knock the seeds off a dill pickle? LMFAO Interesting, huh? Okay first of all, how can half a chicken lay an egg? Also, how can a chicken lay half an egg? Hmm.. Then there's the point to make about how can a grasshopper have a wooden leg? And the grasshopper still wouldn't be big enough to knock seeds off a dill pickle.. As much as I think there is a hidden joke inside there, I will leave that alone for now. Haha! Okay anyway, this guy is hilarious! All of you should follow him, he will keep you laughing for days!

When are we going to see you in some action movies or "superhero" movies? Well I guess whenever I get a script, I would love to do either. I think it would be so much fun!!

How did you and Sophia Bush become such good friends? Well I went through some personal battles when we were working on the set of "John Tucker Must Die" and we just became so close. Not just Sophia but also Arielle Kebbel, Ashanti, Penn, and Jesse. We all were just there for each other and spent so much time together that we all formed this really strong bond and we are all still very close and we talk all the time.

What are you doing to help the environment? Well that is a great question! I drive a Prius, which is a hybrid electric vehicle, I recycle everything I can and try to get my friends into it also.

@BellesMe asks: Why do you look so much like the Olsen twins? Did you have a surgery? Haha! No I didn't have a surgery, and as much as I love my friends MK & Ashley, I don't think we look alike. I guess to some people we do, I don't know. But I actually do get that question a lot.

Okay so that's all the questions I'm going to answer right now. I updated you all the other day on all my upcoming work so I won't bore you with that again. Thanks to everyone that sent me questions! Think about any other questions to ask me and I will put them in the next blog. I'll post a new one in a few more days. Thanks guys!!

Brittany Snow


  1. Ty for taking time to answer our questions from @CorbinC2009. Hope a really great action movie script comes ur way. Isn't twitter one of the great inventions of our day? lol, So much fun connecting with every1, ur blog has such a genuineness to it, fun glimpse into who u r. Sorry kinda getting random in my comment here, so must be "easily distracted," also. Continue to share, we will continue to care :)

  2. Thank you for mentioning me! thats so sweet of you! and OMG I can totally relate, whenever I write or talk I get distracted and say stuff then go back, and ppl are like what?!?!? But in the hairspray movie, I was sooo sure you were one of the twins! and then I looked it up and I was like OMG who is this person? So... thats when we first met lol xD


  3. Another great blog Britt, you are becoming a pro at them. Keep it up x

  4. @onemorecup: Brittany, you do have a flair with the have the ability to write exactly what you're trying to convey. As most people will attest, this is a rare gift!

    I totally agree with some of the others' here: there is indeed a genuine quality to your writing which in the short term speaks volumes about you. Actually, Corbin stated it all quite well.

    I am an author, writer, and publisher; you have a very unique gift...exploit it!! Cheers!
